TY students at Ard Scoil Chiaráín recently took part in the Cluedin programme in conjunction with St Brigid’s Credit Union in Clara. As part of the programme students learned about the different types of financial services available to them from the Credit Union and how to be responsible with your money.
TY students ran a poster competition in the school with the theme being “Achieve your dreams with the Credit Union”. Sincere thanks to all those who entered and well done to the winning entries. 1st Place – Sheena Lai, 2nd Place Leanne Buckley, 3rd Place Chloe Kelly and 4th Place Jamie Phelan. The competition helped to generate awareness about the Credit Union in your area and the services that it can provide for you.
TY students would like to thank the Credit Union for the opportunity to complete this programme and for the grant received from the Credit Union. Well Done to all involved!!